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Lighting a Cigar
Purists might insist that a wooden match or a cedar spill can be used to light a premium cigar. However, any source of flame will impart a taste to the cigar if the proper method is not observed. A steady source of wide flame is required so that one’s attention ...
Cutting a Cigar
Before a premium cigar can be smoked, the closed end must be opened. The range of tools for this purpose is large, and includes single- and double-edged guillotines (such as Davidoff’s Zino Cutter) wedge cutters (also known as cat’s eye cutters), knives, and “round” piercers or picks. Every tool has ...
The Sensory Experience
Smoking a fine cigar should be a total sensory experience. One can argue for one’s favorite taste, but taste is an individual matter, and we take no sides here. However, one can enhance the preferred taste by careful attention to the aesthetics of the cigar. Sight: Before lighting, survey the ...
Cigar Storage
Cigars are a natural product like food or wine and require appropriate storage conditions. The ideal environment for cigar storage is 65 – 75°F (18 – 24°C) with a humidity level of 70 – 73%, protected from direct sunlight and salt air. Fluctuations of temperature and humidity should be kept ...
As in any situation where personal taste is a factor, there are no rules for selecting a cigar. The wide variety of styles, brands and sizes make delineating a set of rules an impossible task. However, there are a few very general guiding principles which may be of some help. ...
The three basic attributes of any cigar are color, shape, and size. Although wrapper colors are fairly well defined, size and shape descriptions may vary from brand to brand. The following should be taken as a general guide only; consult your tobacconist for more specific information. There are six basic ...
How To Buy And Enjoy A Premium Cigar
Victory Cigar offers the very best selection of cigars in the world. Our cigars consist of all major brands such as Ashton, Arturo Fuente, Cohiba, Davidoff, Dunhill, Macanudo, Punch, Partagas and our own house brand, The Victory Millennium. We carry all shapes and sizes (subject to availability). We also stock ...
Cigarettes and Savings!
Clove cigarettes and flavored cigarettes have been banned... we have alternatives!